Our partners
Hope ASBL currently has four Palestinian academic authorities as partners :
- Al Kamandjâti Music School in Ramallah and Jenin;
- Al Quds University in Jerusalem ;
- Arab American University of Palestine - AAUP in Jenin ;
- the Palestinian Medical Relief Society - PMRS in Ramallah where local community health workers are trained.
Local committees have been set up within each institution to follow up on contacts. They recommend students who meet the standard for a scholarship. These committees also provide pedagogical and administrative support to young people.

Arab American University (AAUP) is the first private Palestinian university, founded in 2000, in collaboration with California State University (CSU) in Stanislaus and Utah State University (USU) in Logan. The university has over 11,300 students, of which 40% are from Palestine, 55% from the Palestinian homeland and 5% from international countries.
The AAUP provides quality education to Palestinian and international students and aspires to be a leader in Palestinian higher education. The university has made impressive progress in the development of teaching facilities and laboratories. The curriculums are designed according to the needs of Palestinian society. The AAUP aims to equip its graduates with the skills acquired through extracurricular activities, skills and knowledge necessary to develop independent thinking and entrepreneurial skills, in order to contribute to overall national and sustainable development. To this end, the AAUP recruits the best and brightest professionals, academics and researchers from Palestine and abroad, an approach that diversifies and enriches the sources of education and enables the transfer of the latest advances in science and technology.
The AAUP prides itself on applying international quality standards and being a leading academic institution that is always present in local, regional and international academic forums.
For the year 2020, 16 scholarships were awarded to AAUP students. Hope awards scholarships to young people studying in various fields: health professions, community and environmental health, occupational therapy, computer networking and information security, English language, accounting, computer science, medical imaging, dental surgery, physical education, Arabic language, dentistry.
If you are interested, here is the link to the university's website : https://www.aaup.edu/

The Palestinian Medical Relief Society is a community-based Palestinian health organisation. PMRS was founded in 1979 by a group of Palestinian doctors and health professionals. They sought to improve the health infrastructure which was then dilapidated and inadequate due to the Israeli military occupation. It is a non-profit, voluntary NGO and one of the largest health NGOs in Palestine.
PMRS creates national health programmes that focus on prevention, education, community participation and empowerment. PMRS seeks to improve the overall physical, mental and social well-being of all Palestinians, regardless of their ethnic, political, social, economic, religious or gender status. PMRS health services focus on the needs of the most vulnerable members of Palestinian society : women, children, the disabled and the poor in rural villages, refugee camps and urban centres.
Hope ASBL supports students who engage in the PMRS training unit. Our scholarship students follow a two-year continuing education course. The training program focuses on the health workforce as a key resource for development. Students come to learn the basics of frontline care and helping people to act in their villages, local communities, with families, the elderly and in all situations of tension and suffering. Among the students we support financially, there is a strong sense of solidarity among them as they experience the same things as those they support.
To date, the NPO Hope has financed 6 scholarships for young people to follow this training.
If you want to learn more, here is the link to the website of this NGO : https://www.pmrs.ps/

Al Kamandjâti is a cultural association created on the initiative of Ramzi Aburedwan, a viola and bouzouq player who has become famous on the international scene. In 2002, Ramzi founded Al Kamandjâti in France, while studying music at the Conservatoire au Rayonnement Régional d'Angers. He grew up near Ramallah, in the Al Amari refugee camp, where his family was forced to settle in 1948. Like many Palestinian children, his childhood was affected by the violence of the occupation and the first Intifada (1987-1992).
The aim of the Al Kamandjâti association is to make music accessible to the entire Palestinian community, especially in disadvantaged areas. Al Kamandjâti wishes to offer musical education to children and so strengthen their appreciation of Palestinian culture, but also of Arab and international cultures. To this end, the association has opened several music schools in Palestine.
Hope supports students in two Al Kamandjâti music schools, one in Ramallah and the other in Jenin. Currently, Hope is pleased to fund 4 scholarships.
If you wish to learn more about this school, you can visit their website : https://www.alkamandjati.org/fr

Founded in 1984, Al-Quds University is a Palestinian university. It is important to note that it is the only school in the world who is located near a separation wall. The University's main campus is located in Abu Dis, but there are also four other campuses in Jerusalem, Sheikh Jarrah, Beit Hanina and Rammalh (al-Bireh). Al Quds provides higher education and community services in the Jerusalem area as well as in neighboring towns, villages and refugee camps in the West Bank.
With over 13,000 students, Al Quds has a wide reach. Some of their members come from all over the West Bank, including the districts of Bethlehem, Hebron, Jenin, Jericho, Nablus, Ramallah, Tulkarem and Qalqilia.
The university has fifteen academic faculties including arts, medicine, dentistry, law, Qur'an, engineering and others. Al Quds is a centre of creativity and offers a dynamic learning environment that encourages freedom of expression and innovative research. Al Quds pushes its students to be active, engaged, open and cooperative citizens, well informed and interested in world cultures.
In order to remain at the forefront of the academic world, Al Quds University has international partnerships with American and European universities. She is also engaged in innovative research around the world.
Today, NPO Hope awards 14 scholarships to students of Al Quds University. These scholarship students are studying in various horizon: health, personal assistance, electrical and electronic engineering, nursing studies, computer science, business administration, economics, art, English language, obstetrics, architecture, etc.
If you want to know more about Al Quds Palestinian University, you can visit their website : https://www.alquds.edu/en