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October 2021 newsletter
As in all countries, the educational process in Palestine was severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic imposed continuous confinement and severe travel restrictions on Palestinians. During the past academic year, teachers have therefore had to combine classroom teaching with virtual teaching. This strategy has had both positive and...
Students' lives during the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic was confirmed in the West Bank on 5 March 2020. The first cases were diagnosed in the Bethlehem district and then spread to all districts, including Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Authority decided to confine all areas and restrict movement unless it was a major force. At the same time, the Ministry of Education...
Alain Rihoux, one of the founders and president of Hope for several years, passed away in June 2020. He leaves Hope with his vision of hope and his values. In his collection "Israel-Palestine : Hope", he wrote an article entitled "Economicie-cide". An economist by training, Alain was outraged by the way the Israeli government prevents any economic...
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